Friday, June 30, 2006

There's something about Caitlin

Hey there, Caitlin. You know who you are. But allow me to introduce you to my 5 or 6 other faithful blog readers.

Caitlin, my friends, is a lovely work colleague of mine who happened upon my blog quite innocently while doing some United Way research. When her discovery was revealed to me, I admit I had a momentary panic attack about the damage my trash talk might have on my career. But my fears were fleeting whenI quickly realized that 1) I really have no secrets and 2) I only have good things to say about United Way.

But I couldn't let the girl get away with this knowledge she now has of me without a little tit for tat, if you know what I'm sayin'. So I figured I'd tell the world a little bit about her (mainly because she's an interesting gal).

Caitlin is quite simply the epitome of style and quite frankly, I have a love/hate relationship with her. There are a very small number of people in this world who have a consummate sense of style (Ali McGraw, Jackie Kennedy and Katherine Hepburn are among this elite and gifted group). Little Miss Caitlin is one of them. Terms like "smart", "put together", "crisp", "classic" and "radiant" spring to mind when I see this girl make an entrance. Combine this gift for style with the most perfect head of raven-coloured curls and skin that looks like a child's cheeks fresh from a romp in the fall leaves, and well--- you can see where the hate part comes in. The girl is perfection. Oh, and did I fail to mention that she's as bright as a light and not the least bit pretentious. I guess that's where the love comes in.

*Above you'll see the unmatched beauty of Ali MacGraw--- a woman who doesn't even try to be stylish. She just is. And that, my friends, is half the art of being "a Caitlin."

Monday, June 26, 2006

Thyroid be gone!

Yes, friends. It's true. I lost 28 grams just over a week ago and I didn't need any help from Weight Watchers. Instead, I had my thyroid surgically removed (is there any other way??).

I don't recommend the experience to anyone seeking a little attention. There are better ways to get free mags and ice cream, I can assure you.

The real reason for this nasty procedure was purely precautionary. I had a 2.3 cm growth that had indicated a presence of what's known as Heurthle cells. These can be an indicator of cancer, although 95% of growths removed in these cases are benign so I'm not too concerned. I'll be getting the details of the pathology report this Thursday and I can finally put this thing to bed.

I'm happy to report that the summer has lots of fun in store for Don and I and we're not going to let infertility ruin it. Among the many things we have planned are the following:

  • Seeing famed jazz pianist Dave Brubeck in concert at Massey Hall
  • Catching a Blue Jays game with my folks
  • A two-day trip to Stratford where we'll be staying at this lovely B&B and seeing The Glass Menagerie on stage
  • 2 days at my uncle Jim's cottage in the Thousand Islands (this is particularly exciting because Don has never had the qunitessential Ontario cottage experience)
  • A day trip to Centre Island
  • The big move to our new house
  • And last but not least, welcoming our dear friends Sarah and Tony to Toronto where Sarah will be immersing herself in academia and Tony will be embarking on a new chapter in his life as an artist. Can't wait!

Today was my first day back at work after the surgery. Went pretty well, I must say.

Because I'd spent the last 10 days holed up up in either the hospital or condo, my body was in desperate need of some exercise come the weekend, so Don and I took in a little High Park. Witness the green-y wilderness in this shot taken on Sunday.