Monday, September 25, 2006

Good times with the in-laws

Just a quick post to celebrate the fact that I was blessed with lovely in-laws. Sweet, helpful, unimposing in-laws who clearly love their son as much as I do. They've been with us for 4 days and they head back to Edmonton tomorrow.

We capped off our visit at the famed Golden Gate Restaurant (AKA "The Goof" to locals) in the Beaches tonight. Awesome Chinese food! Great service! See the pics.

We'll miss them very much.

On a completely different note----tomorrow is our first meeting with the adoption practitioner, Angela. Wish us luck!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Even a bountiful basketful of eggs doesn't help me get pregnant. I took a test just over an hour ago. Only one friggin' pink line. You can't help but think cosmic forces are conspiring against you when you watch that magical pee make its' little journey across the stick.

I actually left work at lunch today feeling strangely nauseus. Making Don's lunch this morning made me gag. Some guy's oily hair on the streetcar was too much for me to bear. On top of that, I felt like I'd been hit by a MAC truck. So can you blame me for being hopeful on my way to drugstore?

Oh well. I'm practically immune to disappointment now. At least on that front.

Time to switch gears. Adoption, here we come.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Turning a new leaf

Well, today is the day I'm supposed to take a pregnancy test, according to the doctors at the RBU. Today is the day I find out if I'm expecting quads or just rain. (For those who don't know already, I produced an unusual number of follicles this cycle---4 potentially viable eggs). I honestly don't know if pregnancy symptoms start this early (in the 2 weeks following ovulation) but I really haven't had anything that would make me think I finally got lucky. Besides, I'm too occupied with a thrown out back (today is my second day off work) and some very irritating stinging that's going on with my thyroid scar.

When I get the results of the test later today, I predict I'll let my shoulders down and happily resign myself to "fertile failure." I'm more than ready to start the adoption chapter in our lives. Perhaps I'll begin crafting a profile like this.

Part of doing a profile like the one above will be proving that Don and I are good with kids (with the help of visual aids like the photos above).

Me with my friend Hilary's daughter Jayda in Winnipeg, Manitoba
Don with his friend James' son Walker in Canmore, Alberta

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Saving Grace

Just a little plug for my favourite breakfast joint in Toronto, Saving Grace. We went there with Sarah and Tony on Saturday before we headed to Niagara Falls and the four us salivated over the plates of heaven before us.

Apparently it's also a favourite of Sarah Polley and the lead singer of Sloan.

Check it.

No skeletons here

Funny how a closet can change your life. Okay, that's a bit melodramatic but really, I feel like a million bucks with this new closet....