Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Turning a new leaf

Well, today is the day I'm supposed to take a pregnancy test, according to the doctors at the RBU. Today is the day I find out if I'm expecting quads or just rain. (For those who don't know already, I produced an unusual number of follicles this cycle---4 potentially viable eggs). I honestly don't know if pregnancy symptoms start this early (in the 2 weeks following ovulation) but I really haven't had anything that would make me think I finally got lucky. Besides, I'm too occupied with a thrown out back (today is my second day off work) and some very irritating stinging that's going on with my thyroid scar.

When I get the results of the test later today, I predict I'll let my shoulders down and happily resign myself to "fertile failure." I'm more than ready to start the adoption chapter in our lives. Perhaps I'll begin crafting a profile like this.

Part of doing a profile like the one above will be proving that Don and I are good with kids (with the help of visual aids like the photos above).

Me with my friend Hilary's daughter Jayda in Winnipeg, Manitoba
Don with his friend James' son Walker in Canmore, Alberta