Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Hey Eeyore, wanna do lunch? I hear misery loves company.

Sorry for the longer than usual break between entries. Life has been a touch chaotic of late and finding time for peaceful reflection has been difficult. The fact that I've had a twitching eye for the past 10 days is a bit of a wake-up call.

Ever get the feeling that your head is too crammed with stuff to actually do anything satisfying or productive with yourself? That’s how I’ve been feeling lately. Not a good feeling. Contemplating another move, battling infertility, biopsies for thyroid cancer, having a Mom in the throes of chemo, quitting a job, starting a new job, being told you’re at high risk for type 2 diabetes, undergoing the adoption process, learning how to sew, joining Weight Watchers… well, you can see why I’m swimming in circles.

The logical thing to do is erase a few of these things off the list and allow myself to focus on just a couple. So, here’s what I’ve arrived at:

  1. Stop worrying about the move. Stay away from MLS, cease the daily prospect listings from our agent for the time being and limit the condo selling efforts to a poster in our lobby.
  2. Join Weight Watchers again starting this Saturday. Self-esteem and motivation is at an all-time low and it’s due largely to the weight gain sitch.
  3. Focus on having a good interview with the United Way on April 3rd.
  4. Know that thyroid surgery won’t likely happen until the summer anyway
  5. Have one last consult with the RBU at Mt.Sinai before we start the adoption process (which I will discuss in greater detail at a later date)
  6. Find the joy in doing 3 hours of sewing every Saturday morning for the next 6 weeks

    I think this is relatively sane and reasonable. We shall see.