Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The Gathering

I feel like I have a lot to talk about but I'm stupefyingly tired for some reason, so I make no guarantees on the validity or entertainment value of my virtual spew.

Last night I had a memorable get-together with old friends (you know who you are). Lots of wine and nostalgia and some priceless moments of nose-snorting hilarity. And yet for all its gaeity, I also caught myself very aware of the more serious elements of the gathering. I wouldn't call it sentimentality. It was more of a tender reminder of how short life is, how life has a way of becoming more complicated as we age and how these casual pow-wows are perhaps more important than we realize.

After 5 short hours of heavenly conversation and heartwarming self-reflection, I made my way to the subway. I consciously relished my reverie in -12 temperatures. "This slice of my life," I thought to myself, "has made me somehow better. Forever."