Sunday, October 15, 2006

San Frantastic

Ok, this entry is a wee but overdue but better late than never. I had the unforgettable pleasure of spending 4 days in San Francisco with my good friend, Jilly. AKA, Gillian Keith, soprano extraordinaire. She was performing in Berkeley (in an amazing "dramatick/ semi-opera" interpretation of "King Arthur", put on by the Mark Morris Dance Group), and she graciously offered me half her bed at the Hotel Durant for free! How could I not go?

Anyway, I had an incredible visit. Albeit, far too brief. What an amazing city. Colourful, liberal, hill-y, intelligent and strangely un-American. And did I mention how amazing the coffee is? San Franciscans clearly get their coffee. Particularly, Blue Bottle Coffee, a funky hole-in-the-wall located in an alley (yes, an alley) in the Hayes Valley district. The best cappucino I've ever had in my life. Accompanied by the perfect sized walnut shortbread and peanut butter cookies. I was transported to another dimension.

They also get their food. Local, seasonal and simple. The Ferry Plaza Market was dreamy. Jill and I also had a delicious meal (and a tantalizing Bloody Mary) at The Zuni Cafe.

Shopping of course was grand too. Next time, I plan to spend more time on Filmore Street. And there *will* be a next time, I assure you.

*Above pics of Blue Bottle Coffee and heirloom tomatoes at the Ferry Plaza Market.