Thursday, October 19, 2006

Putting the DO in aDOption.

So, I've been promising an update on the adoption pursuit. So here we go...

On September 26th, Don and I met with our homestudy social worker for the first time. Thankfully, we really hit it off and think she's just great. The fact that she also does social work on the other side (with birth mothers) is a real bonus, in our opinion.

The past few weeks have been spent checking various requisites off the list---fingerprints sent to RCMP, asking friends and family to be references, booking medicals, filling applications out, and perhaps the most interesting task---writing our letter to the birth mother. Challenging because we know we need to make ourselves stand out amongst all the other prospective parents, but also enjoyable because it was a real exercise in expressing our desire to be parents. You realize that most parents don't always take the time to answer this question in any great detail. But when you do---you actually walk away with a better sense of what you both want out of life and it's really quite lovely and enriching, if I can be so fromage.

I toyed with posting our letter here on the blog but I think I'll wait until our mini Web page is posted to ---likely in a few weeks.

Next meeting with the social worker is Oct. 26th. Main subject of discussion? Our own childhoods...