Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Extra! Extra! Tell all your friends about it.

In roughly 2 months time, Don and I will be engaged in some serious self promotion in our efforts to find a match with a birthmother. We've taken on the design services of a girl I work with named Andrea and we plan to put together a real whiz bang booklet to distribute to anyone who might know someone who would be in a position to offer us a baby to call our own.

Last week, I sat down and drafted the "More about Sarah" page and it was the ultimate exercise in self reflection. In the space of one page, I wrote about my childhood, my teens, my professional life and my dreams of being a mom.

This past weekend was full of family fun. Mom, Dad and sister Mary visited and we got in some nice quality time. I even helped Mare with some homework from her advertising class. In a lovely twist of genetic symbiosis, it appears as though Mary is following in her sister's footsteps and has knack for the ol' marketing writing. Good on ya, Mare.

On the pop culture front---a couple of things---Tom Cruise---you're eff-ed up. Katie---you're dick-whipped and brainwashed. Suri---you're adorable and free to be adopted by Don and I any time---preferably before you can pronounce "Scientology."

*Note: Photo above taken this past weekend. One of the perks of not being pregnant? Mindless consumption of red wine.