Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Baby wants a day off

So gang---what has happened in the last few weeks that's worth noting? Well, the second homestudy meeting has come and gone and we can rest easy knowing that our respective upbringings were loving and healthy and perfect training ground for our future as parents. The references from family and friends are rolling in (Thanks, guys!) and our only snafu was that we didn't send a money order along with our police check, so it got mailed back. That's now taken care of and all we really have to worry about is putting together our "promo booklet".

This coming Wednesday, my co-worker and friend Andrea is coming over to help us brainstorm our booklet. Andrea is a gifted graphic designer and I know she'll give us a leg up when it comes time to "get our names out there".

Today, I am taking a much needed day off work to essentially do nothing. A little blogging, a little snoozing, a little cuppa tea, a little daydreaming.

What baby wants, baby gets.

I haven't mentioned my crafting bug lately but just so you all know, it's still there. The crafty mavens dotting the universe have not ceased to amaze me with their brilliance and I long to be one of them. The ideas are in swirling in my head---I just have to make them happen!

The one thing I would LOVE to master the art of is sewing a basic baby sundress, Crew neck, broad strap, A-line sundress. Maybe with a couple of pockets to store the odd jellybean in.

My buddy Sarah McCallum has graciously offered to loan me her sewing machine for a stretch so I can learn the basics and (hopefully) graduate to ownership of my own machine (specifically, this one).

One baby I'd love to make a sundress for is the darling one you see above. Sweet Charlotte Smith, daughter of my friends Kate and Sean. It took me 10 months to finally meet this little ball of cute and it was well worth the wait. Don was quite smitten with her too---particularly with her docile manner. I'm afraid she's set the bar high for the babe that ends up in our arms.

Ok, baby wants lunch. Baby's gonna get....