Monday, January 29, 2007

Living just enough for the city

Not much to share today. Just thought I'd post a few cool pics from our Sunday walk in Leslieville. We (I) wanted to check out the relatively new espresso bar west of Queen and Broadview, Darkhorse (brilliant name). I was suitably impressed by my double Americano and organic date square. I will most definitely return.

On the subject of Leslieville, I doubt I'm the only one who passes by the China Lily factory on Queen East and wonders why someone with vision and cash hasn't done something cool with it. The location is choice and the building itself is neat to look at. Maybe I'll win the lottery and open my authentic soda fountain/pie palace/ crafters den - The Sill Pillow.

Oh yeah---remember the psychiatric assesment fiasco? Well, all is well. I got my letter from my former therapist and I'm in the clear. An excerpt from the thoughtful letter:

"I feel whole-heartedly that Sarah has settled into a stable, calm and happy life in Toronto with Don. As a couple I feel they will offer a youngster a wonderful and stable home..."

Couldn't have said it better myself.