Monday, January 01, 2007

Will this be our year?

How can I not be optimistic about 2007? Starting in about 2 weeks, Don and I will be officially "on the market" looking for a baby to call our own. We'll be calling on friends and family letting them know our situation and asking them to kindly keep us in the back of their minds, should they know anyone who might have a connection to a young birthmother.

Our last homestudy meeting is on January 11th, and our adoption worker will be drawing up her report on us shortly thereafter. We're also attending an "adoption intake" meeting at the Toronto Children's Aid Society on January 10th. Here we'll learn what's involved in adoption through CAS and possibly what/who is currently available for adoption. Even though there are obvious risks with adopting through CAS, we're curious to know more. I'll keep you posted on that.

We started out the new year today with a lovely walk in the Beaches. The weather was incredible (although, we did just see Al Gore's 'An Inconvenient Truth' and I can't help but temper my glee at the mild temperatures with a certain amount of fear and concern for our planet's future well-being...)

Anyway, the locals were out in droves with kiddies and dogs and lattes in hand. It was great to be one of them---even if we only had each other's hand in hand.

My resolutions this year?

1) Learn how to sew and embrace my inner craftiness

2) Become more physically flexible

3) Eat more wisely

4) Obsess less about real estate and home renos (Damn you, HGTV!)

5) Read more

6) Keep in better touch with friends

I think that's enough to keep me busy.

*Above pics from our walk this morning