Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Back on top

Ok, so I'm not back on top, but I'm definitely not feeling like I'm scraping the bottle of the barrel like I was a week ago.

Things have eased off a bit at work (at least for now) and my urge to go postal has subsided.

This past week was relatively average. Celebrated my 34th birthday with a nice dinner at BOHO in Roncesvalles Village, threw in the towel on my baby-making cycle and chalked it up to yet another "learning experience.", watched the 2-parter "Bazooka episode" of Grey's Anatomy, went to Buffalo with my loverboy to catch a Sabres game, tried to live by the G.I. Way (and failed in Buffalo with the complimentary breakie at the hotel and a double fudge brownie sundae at the hockey game)....

Oh yeah, and I got meself an iPod Nano. Yippee. I revel in its beauty every day.

*Above is a pic of me taken outside the HSBC arena in Buffalo and one of Don at the game.