Monday, July 24, 2006

I'd like my eggs ovary easy please

Another $800 down the tube. I got my period today. Thus begins another pointless cycle. And my last one, I might add. Called in my "Day One" to Mt. Sinai. My emotionless voice over the phone sounded like Steven Wright.

"Hi, this is Sarah Wilkinson calling in with Day One on Monday. I'd appreciate a Day 3 appointment at your earliest possible time. 7 or 7:15am would be great. Thanks a lot. Bye."

I'm so fucking sick of this, you have no idea.

On the brighter side of life, Don and I had a nice weekend in Stratford. The Glass Menagerie was wonderful (heavy and sad, but very moving). We ate well and encountered quaintness at every corner. I've attached a couple of pics.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Yellow Tail did something crazy to me

Ok, folks---it's rare that I do two blog entries in one day but my experience with a certain wine (Yellow Tail Chardonnay) and movie (Match Point) made me do it.

The wine (which I've had before---it was served at our wedding) was strangely intoxicating (both literally and figuratively) for the both of us. Combine that magic with a suprisingly erotic Woody Allen thriller and you've got a memorable night. Jonathan Rhys Myers meets Scarlett Johannson is scintillating.

I think I'll be stocking up on Yellow Tail for the remainder of the summer. Don said it reminded him of the fall leaves on our wedding day. I told him it smelled like candy floss.

Getting excited about the move

August 11th is the day we can finally call 18 Glenmore Rd. home. I'm really looking forward to it. We drove by it today and wandered around the Beaches and it all felt good.

There's a discernably different vibe in the Beaches. It's the Venice Beach of Toronto. Very laid back, liberal and, well, beachy. I like.

Today I made a brownie recipe that I snagged from a girl at work. Really very delicious (there's 1 cup of Guiness in them!) but it's bad for this girl to have too much of a good thing within her reach.

Yesterday, Don and I went to a Blue Jays game with my folks. It was an awesome game. Went for 14 innings and the Jays won! I should mention that my Mom finished her radiation last week and now she's on the road to recovery. She's in fine form, I must say. Just anxious to have her hair back.

Looking forward to the 4 day work week I have ahead of me. Don and I are off to Stratford for 2 days on Friday. I'm told I should expect a very charming little Ontario town. I've seen many in my life and I never tire of them. I'm sure we'll have a great time.

I'll be taking a pregnancy test a week from tomorrow. Not optimistic but I'm pretty used to the disappointment.

While I wait for a child of my own, I've decided that I'm going to pursue being a Big Sister (*Annette: thanks for the encouragement). I'll begin the application process this week and hopefully I'll have a match by the fall. I'm thinking I'll ask for a 13 year-old.

Must run. Off to finish making a lovely cold pasta salad with roasted garlic and tomatoes.

*Above pics of Jays game yesterday

Monday, July 10, 2006

Ah, simpler times

Got this pic from my Mom today. It's me and my brother circa 1980. That's an OLD remote on Doug's lap. It's mammoth! It's a great pic to analyze. I'm in my nightie and Dougie has yet to get his pyjamas on. Hyperactivity (as evidenced by his juvenile display) is likely to blame. I have no idea where we are. That couch rings zero bells for me. I'd love to know what has Doug in stitches. This was before he got all intellectual and shit, so his cause for laughter likely has something to with pure idiocy.

Why I'm clutching my neck, I'll never know. My thyroid was the size of a baby oyster back then.

Speaking of babies, it's been a while since I briefed you all on our reproductive adventures. I know you're brimming with curiosity.

We just completed our second IUI on Saturday. I had one healthy follicle ripe for ovulation. The plan was to do one more cycle after this one and then start the homestudy process for adoption in the fall. I just *know* the fertility specialist is going to look at us with disappointment when we tell her we're throwing in the towel. "But you and Don have great chances!" she'll say. "Are you sure?!" I can't say for sure what our response will be but for now, I want to get the wheels in motion for adoption. Each IUI costs roughly $800. Pennies compared to IVF but still, it adds up.

As always, I'm seeing WAY too many glowing pregnant women and yummy mommies. The mothers or mothers-to-be makes me green with envy but seeing the wee ones take 10 years off my face. The wee ones can do no wrong.