Monday, July 10, 2006

Ah, simpler times

Got this pic from my Mom today. It's me and my brother circa 1980. That's an OLD remote on Doug's lap. It's mammoth! It's a great pic to analyze. I'm in my nightie and Dougie has yet to get his pyjamas on. Hyperactivity (as evidenced by his juvenile display) is likely to blame. I have no idea where we are. That couch rings zero bells for me. I'd love to know what has Doug in stitches. This was before he got all intellectual and shit, so his cause for laughter likely has something to with pure idiocy.

Why I'm clutching my neck, I'll never know. My thyroid was the size of a baby oyster back then.

Speaking of babies, it's been a while since I briefed you all on our reproductive adventures. I know you're brimming with curiosity.

We just completed our second IUI on Saturday. I had one healthy follicle ripe for ovulation. The plan was to do one more cycle after this one and then start the homestudy process for adoption in the fall. I just *know* the fertility specialist is going to look at us with disappointment when we tell her we're throwing in the towel. "But you and Don have great chances!" she'll say. "Are you sure?!" I can't say for sure what our response will be but for now, I want to get the wheels in motion for adoption. Each IUI costs roughly $800. Pennies compared to IVF but still, it adds up.

As always, I'm seeing WAY too many glowing pregnant women and yummy mommies. The mothers or mothers-to-be makes me green with envy but seeing the wee ones take 10 years off my face. The wee ones can do no wrong.