Monday, July 24, 2006

I'd like my eggs ovary easy please

Another $800 down the tube. I got my period today. Thus begins another pointless cycle. And my last one, I might add. Called in my "Day One" to Mt. Sinai. My emotionless voice over the phone sounded like Steven Wright.

"Hi, this is Sarah Wilkinson calling in with Day One on Monday. I'd appreciate a Day 3 appointment at your earliest possible time. 7 or 7:15am would be great. Thanks a lot. Bye."

I'm so fucking sick of this, you have no idea.

On the brighter side of life, Don and I had a nice weekend in Stratford. The Glass Menagerie was wonderful (heavy and sad, but very moving). We ate well and encountered quaintness at every corner. I've attached a couple of pics.