Monday, August 28, 2006

New house! New friends! New sister-in-law! Oh my!

Unforgivable! How do you all go so long without your Small Fry fix?!

Bottom line. This entry is long overdue. And I have lots to talk about.

Let's start with the fact that I'm still not pregnant and I'm pretty much resigned to the fact that I won't be (unless I stop trying, adopt a little one and get lucky because my hormones are all of a sudden happy and productive).

Currently in the middle of our last fertility drug cycle (no IUI this time---3 was not a charm) and already have our first homestudy meeting with the adoption practitioner on September 26th. Gearing up for the probing grill of questions but really, I'm not that nervous. I know we'll do just fine.

Moved into the new house roughly 3 weeks ago and I'm loving it. I really feel at home and could see us here for a good long while. In the next couple of weeks, we're having a custom built-in wardrobe installed and most of the house will be painted. We ordered a nice new bed ( a low-profile, robin's egg blue birch sleigh bed---ultra cottage-y--just the way I like it).

Sarah and Tony (AKA McCally and T-Bonze) arrived a couple of weeks ago and we've been showing them their new hometown. Such fun! Methinks they like it here.

On August 19th, my brother and his new wife Kristin had a celebratory post-wedding Ottawa BBQ with family and friends and I got a little wasted. FUN! We also managed to fit in a visit with Owen and Sandra, who had their first baby, Alison, in July. Obviously we saw this a great photo opp for our adoptive parents online gallery, as you can see above.