Friday, August 04, 2006

What a taxing day

As I type this entry, I'm sitting in the offices of H&R Block at King and University. Making use of free Internet while I wait for my taxman, Lawrence Lazarus to show up. (Crazy name, eh?)

Yes, for the first time in my life, I was late filing. Reason? Freelancing doesn't produce T4s. It produces mounds of receipts that (as I'm quickly discovering) don't amount to much in the end.

*Skip ahead 1.5 hours: I've just arrived home from TaxmanLand. Shocking to admit but I made a paltry $15K last year and I still manage to owe the government $1500. That's with roughly $3000 in business expenses. To quote Dennis Miller: "I'm SICK of bein' hassled by the Man."

*The lovely picture you see here was taken back circa '92 at Carleton University when the only thing that was taxing me were exams. I'm not sure how this prom dress made the grade, but here it is, in all its whore-y glory.