Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The world needs more cottage life

I just lost a long post and I simply don't have it in me to re-write tonight. In a nutshell---here's what I had to say:

  • This past weekend was spent at Uncle Jim's cottage in the 1000 Islands. Weather was perfect and we had a great time
  • In a paradoxically modest yet bold move, my Mom exited the cottage sans wig and looked great. Free from synthetic hell, she let her Judi Dench do catch a breath of fresh air and I told she should go wig-free from that day onward
  • Don was unusually wussy when it came to fully submerging his body in the waters of the St. Lawrence. "It's too cold! It feels like knives!" (I say he was wussy, but really it was kinda of cute in a pathetic way ;)
  • Great food, lots of laughs and the ever-present reminder that the simple life is the best way to live...