Saturday, December 23, 2006

Age ain't nuthin' buttah numbah... that gradually increases around one's waist

Who knew my 35th year would be the year my body decided to fail me. I sure didn't.

I won't bore you with the infertility, muscle cramps, thryoidectomy, heel spurs, arthritic wrists, back pain and gravity-challenged breasts. But I will share the dark demon known as metabolic betrayal. What the eff is up with this body I don't recognize anymore?? Granted, I'm not the most active girl in the change room, but really, I've never been that girl and I've still somehow managed to have a body that I can "live with" when confronted with my wicked stepmother, Madam Mirror.

But NOW! NOW, I'm all of a sudden not recognizing myself and it's troubling to say the least. I've even misjudged the space my hips take up in public spaces and have had to endure the shock of "not fitting." We're talking seats on the subway, namely. A horrifying discovery to say the least.
My face is the width of Silken Laumann's shoulders. The bags under my eyes could store Don's lunch. Who needs blue jeans when I can live my life forever in blue veins.

Soooo... I've resorted to trusty ol' Weight Watchers---the only way I know how to bring back some semblance of the body I once knew. Xmas day marks one week since I started and it's weigh-in day. Because I'm doing WW Online, I'll be weighing myself. (Fine by me, as I've come to the conclusion that WW meetings are not my thang.)

My starting weight? 179lbs. My goal weight? 145.

I've attached a pic of myself when I was at that very weight of 145. Just before I moved to Edmonton. Oh, Edmonton---how could you?