Friday, December 23, 2005

Bloody hell

"Life's song would lose its charm,
were there no babies to begin it."

I had TEN, count 'em TEN vials of blood taken from me today. I'm "doing it for the children", I tell myself.

Glucose Fasting, Insulin Resistance, HDL/LDL, Progesterone, HIV/AIDS, Hep A&B, Syphillis. The viral stuff was done in the event that we go down the IUI route. Don had those done too.

Still battling this nasty cold. Two more days until showtime. I'm sure I'll be in better shape.

My friends Kate and Sean had their second baby (a girl) on the 20th. Charlotte Bliss Lucienne Smith. I'm over the moon happy for them. And Charlotte--well, she's a pretty lucky girl with Kate and Sean for parents.

If I'm pregnant, or even better, with baby in hand by this time next year, I'll be beside myself with glee.

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