Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The needle and the damage done

I've had just enough of the needles this last few weeks. In total, I've been poked about 10 times. Doesn't help that I've gotten weasier over the years (Must look AWAY).

Most, as you know, are blood tests to monitor my cycle but today I had thyroid related stuff done. (They say there's a link between thyroid and PCOS). Anyway, I've had a little lump (nodule) on my left side for the last 4 years and while 85% of these little things are benign, the endocrinologist thinks I should have it removed. They have no way of knowing if it's malignant until it's removed, so... one more ultrasound and biopsy. Then it's time for the Stanley Scalpel Show!

Off-topic confession: Don and I talk about baby names all the time. We're totally cursed, I know it. Last night we finally agreed on boys and girls names and it just got me all the more hepped up to get that bun cookin'! (*Obviously, I can't share our names because we'd be doubly cursed).

Another off-topic confession: I watch Days of Our Lives religiously. This will of course end (DEVASTATION) when I commence my new job.

More confessions to come...

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