Thursday, December 15, 2005

Where to begin?

Well, let's start with a little introduction to moi...

I'm a 33 year-old Ontario girl who married a nice boy from Alberta. We found each other via this fantastic medium. December 31st, 2002 was the day "est1972" discovered "Shadowtron" on the World Wide Web. (*Let me make it clear that HE was Shadowtron).

I gave Alberta a shot for a year and a half and---well---to paraphrase a little tourism tagline, Ontario is now his to discover. So far, so good. He's actually been accused by his fellow Albertans of having the "Toronto is the centre of the universe" mentality, after a mere 3 months in the T-dot.

As my blog synopsis indicates, Don and I are passengers on the Good Ship Infertility. All we want is one cute little fry and we'll be happy. Two would be grand but one would joyously cut it. For those who are cruising along with us, I'm sure the following rundown will be familiar...

  • Tried for almost a year but irregular cycle made ovulation prediction less than optimal
  • Got the boy's fish tested and were informed that he was "average". He loved discovering that he was "average."
  • Had the tubes checked (OWWWW!) and thankfully they were as clear as a Windex-ed window
  • Currently on Round 3 of Clomid (100mg). Day 21. Have had three ultrasounds in the last week and follicles are not developing the way they should.
  • Set to go in for another ultrasound on Day 25. This is because my average cycle on Clomid seems to be about 40 days, so that would put me 15 days ahead of my next cycle. 14 as you know, is when the egg is laid so to speak---if I have eggs to speak of.
  • Doctors say they will up my dosage to 150mg if nothing happens.

So, there you have it folks. It's relatively early in the struggle so I haven't given up hope. I know there are many women who have trudged the infertility trail for years. My hat goes off to you.

If the Clomid doesn't work after another three cycles, we will likely explore IUI. I have no desire to go at this for an inordinate or indefinite period of time. Life's too short, in my opinion.

Looking forward to hearing of the trials and tribs (and victories!) of others like me.

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