Monday, December 19, 2005

Follicle follies

Just returned from my 5th ultrasound for this cycle. It's pretty much a write-off at this point. Day 25 and the follicles are too small. There's a good number of them but they just aren't big enough. There's still a small chance they could expand in the next few days and produce an egg, but not likely.

So.... I'm getting a bunch of PCOS bloodtests, plus I'm having my glucose and insulin levels tested. AND both Don and I are getting viral blood tests done in the event that we go down the IUI route.

I've been seeing a lot of great Web sites detailing adoption success stories and I'd be lying if I didn't say they were having an effect on me. Here's just a few heart melters:

Fling Poo
Lula Grace
And Jemma Makes Three

Of course, we still have a fair ways to go before we explore the adoption avenue.

On a completely unrelated note, Don and I are going to try out the new gym in our condo tonight. My physical health has been woefully ignored as of late, so I'm quite anxious to get the heart a pumpin'.

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