Wednesday, December 21, 2005

I have a code

Wouldn't ya know it. I've got a cold. Right before Xmas. And I'm hosting.

Granted, it's been a very long time since I've come down with a bug, so I really shouldn't complain.

Don said I should stay away from the computer today. He's right.

Today's agenda:
  1. Have a cup of green tea
  2. Have a quick shower
  3. Trip to the post office just around the corner
  4. Have another cup of green tea, plus some instant miso soup
  5. Have a snooze
  6. Finish reading Jane Fonda's biography (which I'm thoroughly enjoying)
  7. Have another snooze
  8. Have another cup of green tea
  9. Watch Days of Our Lives
  10. Set the table for dinner (leftover pizza)
  11. Collapse in Don's arms when he gets home

Hey. Maybe colds aren't so bad after all.

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