Monday, December 19, 2005

Jessie Wilcox Smith... my favourite illustrator of children. Innocent, angelic, curious and just plain adorable faces.

Here's a bit of info on her:

Jessie Wilcox Smith

This past year, I developed a wee bit of an Ebay problem. You see, I couldn't stop myself from purchasing old Good Housekeeping covers with JWS illustrations. I'd fork upwards of $30 (US!) at these things and then spend $40 having them framed. One day, they'll (hopefully!) adorn the bedroom walls of my own innocent, angelic, curious adoreable face.

Some people might find them a tad too sugary sweet for their tastes. But I just love them. And I'm not known as a sap by any stretch.

I do believe that as we get older, the weakness for children intensifies. (Not necessarily the desire to have children, just the appreciation of what makes little ones so divine). The wiser we get about life and how shitty it can be, the more in tune we are with what makes life sweet. And there's no arguing---a 2 year-old tip-toeing through the tulips or making their first attempt at baking is pretty darn sweet.

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