Tuesday, January 03, 2006

A baby story

Alright, I admit it. I can't pull myself away from the TV when TLC's "A Baby Story" is on. All these New York and New Jersey moms giving birth just sucks me in. The last few days before delivery devoted to final nursery prep, prepping siblings for the impending arrival, the requisite water breaking, the howls and moans followed by the oozing of love when the little one is plopped on the mommy's chest and the dad sheds a tear while he compensates for his sensitive behaviour with a little "Hi there, buddy." And of course, the name of the baby that appears on the screen, usually when they're sitting on the scale. (Of course, sometimes the whole experience is trashed with a shitty baby name, like "Trinity Faith" or "Braeden Blake."

I'm sure I'm not the only fertility-challenged woman that watches this show. But while some may feel the hot, molten lava of envy, I actually get a bit of joy out of seeing these little creatures come to be---even if I'm never able to do it on my own.

So, I'm on Day 40 of my cycle and I'm sure Aunt Flo is due any day. My last cycle was 40 days. My doctor at Mt. Sinai isn't back in the office until Jan. 10th, so I'm having a minor meltdown about how I'm going to get my Clomid upped. I'm also itching to know the results of my glucose fasting, progesterone etc.

My Mom is convinced I'm diabetic. My dad was diagnosed with borderline Type 2 last year and according to my Mom, I "get a look in my eye" when I want sugar. And PCOS is linked to insulin resistance, so we'll see.

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