Thursday, January 12, 2006

She's crafty! She's cold as ice!

As I was sitting there at the Knit Cafe casting on for the first time ever, I realized how long it's been since I actually learned how to do something. A sad revelation really. I've put my brain on hold for too long. But, boy did it feel good. If our computer wasn't actiing up, I'd show you all a picture of my robin's egg blue scarf (I'm about 12 rows in). Alas, it's not possible until our "Nerd on Site" arrives to fix things today.

In addition to learning how to knit, I also chatted with one of the founders of the Knit Cafe and told her I planned to learn how to sew as well. It turns out she's a textile artist who is affiliated with this cool biz, Ruckus. I told her I want to learn the basics (cushion covers, simple bags, maybe an a-line skirt). Anyway, she offered to give me a lesson or two and I plan to hear from her in the next few days. Can't wait! She's even going to recommend a good place to get a used machine.

Good news about my Mom. She found out that her cancer is HER2 negative and this means it's the less aggressive form of breast cancer and therefore the chemo will be shorter and less aggressive. Her first treatment is tomorrow and I'll be thinking of her every minute of every hour.

Only two more days of "freelance freedom" as I've come to call it. My old friend the 9-5 grind welcomes me back on Monday.