Sunday, January 15, 2006

I remember the thirty-five sweet goodbyes

... when you put me on the Wolverine up to Annandale.

For those who don't know (or appreciate) the lyrical allure and top shelf musicianship of Steely Dan, the above is a quote from one of their best tunes, "My Old School."

Last night I was reminded of how much I love these guys. I went out for dinner (Ethiopian!) with my pal Melissa, dropped into the Gladstone Hotel for a beer and then headed across the street to her man friend's for more beer and a peek at his record collection. (*Did I mention that Atom Egoyan and Arsinee Khanjian were quietly lapping up Ethiopian goodness right across from us?).

Anyway, collection was impressive. To peg Dave would be unfair, but he's a Little Feat/ Allman Bros./ Neil Young type. Sorry Dave. The plaid flannel shirt didn't help your case. :)

There was plenty of tasty Steely Dan goodness and it felt great to slap on the vinyl with a little Hockey Night in Canada and a bowl of corn chips.

The whole night out just reminded me of how little Don and I get out.

Belated New Year's resolution? Take in this fine city on a regular basis.