Saturday, January 07, 2006

Heath and Jake brokeback my heart

Movies are always a good escape from stress, so Don and I took in Brokeback Mountain last night. We were both quite moved to say the least. And dare I say this movie will make more than a few women view sex between men on par with how men view girl-on-girl action. It was pretty damn hot.

But back to being to moved... this was a very tender story about two lost souls who find more than just kinship with one another. The heartbreak comes from the fact that they had to live a secret. Pursuing "normal" lives with wives and children to keep up appearances, means they can be nothing more than periodic "fishing buddies."

Heath Ledger's performance is a prize winner.

Unfortunately, our theatre experience was tainted by a shocking number of audience members who were clearly homophobic. A naked jump off a cliff into the lake or a playful tossle around the campfire illicited completely uncalled for laughter. In one of the earlier scenes where Heath's character says to Jake's "I ain't no queer ya know," I heard a full-grown woman say "Liar." I even saw about 5 people walk out, coats in hand, when they realized this movie wasn't John Wayne material.

A sad state of affairs indeed.

Finally got a call from Mt Sinai today. Apparently they haven't received my bloodwork results from the lab. Nice.

I tried to brew up a little more optimism today. You see, I've noticed that my basal body temperature has been elevated a few degrees higher than normal for the last week. If luck was on my side and I managed to ovulate around Day 31, it's remotely CONCEIVEable that we could be pregnant. This would have to continue for approximately 10 more days without an appearance from AF to make a pregnancy test worth taking. (FYI: I'm on CD FORTY-FOUR!).

It's HIGHLY unlikely that we're pregnant but you take what you can get.

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