Sunday, January 22, 2006

Get Metformin. It pays.

I can only hope that Metformin will do *something* for my flawed reproductive system. After meeting with Dr. Greenblatt on Wednesday, she confirmed that my blood levels indicate "high risk" for type 2 diabetes and Metformin was the answer (in addition to a few key lifestyle changes, like avoiding 5 sugary cookies in one sitting).

So, it's two months on Met and then Met plus Clomid after that. After THAT, we'll move on to injectables. Yay. This means needling myself in the gut. On the bright side, my Google-ing efforts have turned up some promising success stories from PCOS women who took Met or a combination of Met and Clomid.

Don and I attended an adoption seminar put on by the Adoption Council of Ontario yesterday. Wasn't prepared for the warm and fuzzy circle of infertiles introducing themselves (I thought we'd be able to hide in an auditorium or something). Don did our introduction, which was a variation on every other person's response: "Hi, I'm Don and I'm here with my wife Sarah and we're just here to educate ourselves on the ins and outs of adoption."

Learned a few things about private vs. public vs. international adoption. Still not ready to get the wheels in motion but at least we'll be one step ahead of the game, if and when we do.