Sunday, January 01, 2006

The year of the egg?

Oh please, sweet, sweet gods of 2006---allow me to lay an egg or two this year, will ya?

The optimism is still there but as I've told (explained to) Don, I can't play the Trying Game for crazy amounts of time. A little meds, a little IUI, a little egg donation perhaps. But if nothing happens for us by the end of summer, we begin slogging our way through the adoption process. It's crazy to think that if we're unlucky with conception, we could be looking at potentially another 2-3 years before our small fry arrives. Ok, it's not just crazy. It's frustrating, ill-inducing and just plain unfair!

Okay, somebody slap me back into sweet, good-naturedness. Cranky grovelling is not the way to start a new year.

On that note, here's a list of things that will make 2006 365 days worth living:
  1. My brand-new Braun hand blender (the soup possibilities are endless)
  2. Other people's babies
  3. My first trip to California in May. Hollywood Homes tour. Price is Right. A cocktail at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Strong potential of witnessing petulant celebrity behaviour. Can't wait.
  4. The vision of a new me, thanks to the new gym in our condo that we plan to frequent 4 days a week
  5. Pesto, arugula, salmon, sushi, Heuvos Divorciados at Easy, SlimFast Peanut Crunch Bars, Red Rose tea, Indian food, my new Donna Hay cookbook
  6. Discovering the glories of owning an iPod (slated to receive one for my birthday in Feb.)
  7. Knitting (if I can grasp the art)
  8. A new Prime Minister named Jack Layton?
  9. My new job at the Cancer Society
  10. Being there for my Mom while she fights the fight known as breast cancer

Got my haircut yesterday. Shampoo girl sure had a big pile to sweep up. I've attached a pic, to show the new do. It's totally low maintenance, which I love.

Perfect for motherhood.

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