Monday, January 09, 2006

Neg on the preg

So I took a pregnancy test last night. As expected, it was negative. It's CD 46 and AF has yet to show her face.

Finally got my bloodwork back. Just as my Mom suspected, it looks like I could be hovering on the edge of a diabetes diagnosis. I have yet to talk to the doctor and get their professional assessment of the results but this is what I discovered on my own:

My insulin level was 916. The reference range is "up to 210". My glucose fasting was 6.8. The reference range is 3.6-6.0. The lab put "HI" beside each result in the "Abnormal" column of the chart.

In addition to this curve ball, it also looks like I have low prolactin (5), low luteal phase progesterone (1.1) and high luteal phase LH levels (22).

I had planned to get some loose ends (with my freelancing) tied up today before I start my new job next Monday, but I'm just not in the mood.

In the powerful words of Scarlett O'Hara, "Tomorrow is a another day!"

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