Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Creative endeavours

Ok folks. Time to talk about stuff other than rotten eggs and makin' bacon.

I've found myself incredibly inspired by all the crafty blogs out there. Soulemama, Little Birds, Bird in the Hand and Tania are but a few of the awe-inspiring women out there making lovely things in their spare time.

I know I've got it in me to make my own charming little things but I wish I knew how to sew godammit! Oh well, I guess I'll have to learn.

Here are just a few things I hope will find their way into my creative endeavours:
  • Vintage fabric
  • Good Housekeeping and Better Homes and Gardens imagery from the 1930's
  • Tongue-in-cheek tip of the hat to old-school domesticity
  • Ducks and bunnies because Don and I love them
  • Vintage advertising
  • Powerful quotes and lyrics
  • A mix of utilitarianism and frivolity
  • Priddy flowers and yummy cake

Wouldn't it be grand if all hours of the day were dedicated to crafts and cookies and being with the ones we love? The answer is YES.


Elizabeth said...

Hi Sarah,

Thanks for swinging by my blog and for your kind comments. Kudos on your desire for craftiness -- two years ago I wasn't crafty at all and now I'm a knitting maniac and desperately trying to find time to learn how to sew. The Knit Cafe seems like a great place to start too -- I tend to frequent a knitting store closer to my own neighbourhood, but I've walked by a few times and it seems awesome.

And, of course, good luck on your quest for motherhood. I can't say that I've shared the experience of trying without fairly quick results, so I can only imagine the stress that that must bring, but my thoughts and good wishes are with you!

Chelle said...

Hi Sarah! Just found your blog and wanted to leave a quick note. Good luck with your Met/Clomid cycle. DH and I went through similar trials years ago (almost 10 years) and I remember how trying it could be.

Keep your eye on the prize...